A Guide to Buying a Greenhouse


There are a lot of nice greenhouses out there.  For every greenhouse that exists there is a salesperson telling you that you need to buy the one that is right in front of you face at this very moment.  As a crafty consumer you know that it is best to do your research, though, before committing to a purchase.
The kinds of greenhouse you very much depends on what you plant to do with it.  If you are simply taking up greenhouse gardening as a hobby then you will need one type of greenhouse.  If you are going to sell the goods you grow and your quantity will equal profit then you will need another kind of greenhouse.  Below we will break down the best of the best of every types of greenhouse in different types of prices ranges.
Hobby Greenhouses
Easy Grow
This 6 by 8 greenhouse does not require a foundation and is very nice .  It is both aesthetically pleasing but will also get the job done.  It is a little on the expensive side unfortunately as it will run you neare $1,000.
Nature Green Line
Nature Green Line is a nice alternative to the Easy Grown and is a bit more affordable.  It costs about $600.
Luxury Greenhouses
The best luxury greenhouses are the custom luxury greenhouses available through GreenhouseMegaStore.com.  You decide what they look like.  Which only makes sense it is after all your greenhouse.  The cost of one of these things will be very expensive.  
Commercial Greenhouses
Arch 6500 Commercial Greenhouse
This commercial greenhouse gives you all the size you will need for your commercial greenhouse business venture.  It is very nice yet very affordable compared to similar commercial greenhouses.  Its unique design also allows it to trap and vent heat making climate control that much easier on you.